Thursday, April 11, 2019


Yoga can change your life in different aspects. What is yoga?  YOGA   is known for its ability to reduce stress, pressure, tension. With the help of yoga you can feel good and your mind is relaxed. Here I tell you different benefits of yoga with whom you can take the advantage of yoga in your real life. After doing three or four months of yoga sessions you can see the improvement in your body.

For Heart Patient

Yoga is helpful in dealing with reduce stress and pressure. There are lots of people who are dealing with this problem. Yoga can help those patients in promoting healthy lifestyle. Yoga can help you boost the health of your heart. There asanas helps in improving the heart circulation and decreases stress. These are few asanas :

1.   Trikonasana
2.   Veerabhadrasana
3.   Utkatasana
4.   Marjariasana
5.   Bhujangasana
6.   Shavasana

benefits of yoga for heart patient's

These are few asanas which helps heart patient to improve their mental health and also boosts the blood circulation.

Develop  Flexibility

Moving and stretching makes you more flexible. Flexibility means that you can bend easily without breaking or hurting yourself. One can gain flexibility by performing different kind of postures. As we grow, our flexibility usually decreases, and your body will experience a lot of pain during this activity during the initial days. But if one is doing yoga regularly, his/her body will become habitual of it and will gain flexibility. All you need to do is to do it on regular basis.

Increases Muscle Strength 

Yoga also increases your muscle strength.  If you think that by only working at gym can increase your muscle strength, then you are WRONG. By doing dumbbells and weightlifting you can’t achieve strength.  But YOGA is co-operating your body with full power and energy since you need a lot of strength in performing an asana or posture. Regular practice of yoga will help you in strengthening muscles of your arms, legs and back. Some yoga asanas which will help us to maintain our muscle strength are:

Yoga Poses for Upper Body Strength

1.   Navasana
2.   Salabhasana
3.   Bakasana
4.   Astavakrasana

5 benefits of yoga for body strength

Yoga Poses for Lower Body Strength

1.   Utkatasana
2.   Padangusthasana
3.   Trikonasana
4.   Kapotasana

Improves Healthy Lifestyle

Our dietitian says that “Move more, eat less”. This is the main curriculum of the yoga. Yoga can automatically improve your lifestyle. If you are regular in yoga definitely you can burn calories, and also encourage eating less and taking healthy food. Yoga can also inspire to become more conscious when you are taking your diet. Yoga works in harmony with healthy diet and healthy eating habits. It promotes eating "sattvic" food which promotes calm and healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating habits helps you to control blood sugar, weight loss and circulate the flow of blood.

Better Sleep

Yoga is a way to relax your mind and body. Benefits of yoga in case of sleep are obvious thing. Have you ever noticed that people who are doing yoga regularly, can’t face problems such like stress, tension, high blood pressure, depression ? And when one doesn’t have any problem like that, then he/she will sleep properly at night.  It is found that yoga will improve the sleep quality and time and also decrease the sleep disturbance. People who are suffering from "insomnia" should practice yoga daily. It will help them in getting better sleep. People performing yoga sleep for long time with no disturbance and stay fresh in the morning. For the detailed information  visit: benefits of yoga
These are the six yoga poses which reduce stress, tension, depression at the end of the day. When you are doing this assans regularly, you can do it perfectly and sleep better at night without any disturbance. The yoga assans are listed below:

1.   Balasana
2.   Uttasana
3.   Ardha uttanasana
4.   Sputa Baddha konasana
5.   Viparita Karani
6.   Savasana


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5 benefits of yoga